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Web Collage

updated by rck, 2005-07-10
Web Collage experienced 9 hits from AltaVista today. Altavista, the big search engine that was popular before Google came up. Naturally I was a bit puzzled as the search query view of the current Visitors 1.2 beta didn't show any AltaVista hits.

The explaination is rather simple. The hits wheren't caused by search queries. No, they where triggered by a special AltaVista random image link.

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Tooth-brushing, a victimless crime?

updated by rck, 2005-02-16
Tooth-brushing, a victimless crime?

Some have attempted to paint tooth-brushing as a victimless crime, arguing that “if you brush your teeth regularly, you improve your dental hygiene, and we are all better off.” This is hardly the case.

“Reducing tooth-brushing offers direct benefits. The equation is a basic one: the lower the rate of tooth-brushing, the larger the dental prosthetic, dental filling, and dental surgical equipment sectors, and the greater the benefits.”

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Design your own bouquet

updated by rck, 2005-02-03
Design your own bouquet

It is amazing, what talented people can do with flash. I've just stumbled across Orisinals website through a linkdump. There's very fascinating stuff going on.

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I am a JPEG!

updated by rck, 2004-11-26
I am a JPEG!

Sometimes, I stumble accross funny personality tests. Like what cheese are you, etc. This time, it's been choosing a file extension for me. I guess, it matches my personality pretty good.

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Halloween is over

updated by rck, 2004-11-12
Halloween is over

Yesterday I saw two Halloween-pumpkins in a trashbin. Here, in Austria. While I know, that Halloween is on the 31st of October, I also believed it's only a part of the American culture. I of course had to take a picture of it of course.

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Southpark Do-It-Yourself

updated by rck, 2004-10-10
Southpark Do-It-Yourself

So... You think there are too little Southpark characters? Know every one of them but still isn't enough? Just found via ILoveJackDaniels: Southpark Create-A-Character. Nice toy if you have time to spare.

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Intellektuelles Klopapier

updated by rck, 2004-10-03
Intellektuelles Klopapier

Vorgestern ist mir das Klopapier ausgegangen. Was macht man in so einem Fall? Richtig: neues kaufen gehen. Trotzdem ich immer wieder das gleiche Klopapier kaufe, war das heutige grundlegend anders.

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Playstation 2: Trance Controller

updated by rck, 2006-03-27
Playstation 2: Trance Controller Der Trance Controller lässt einen bei Spielen, die ihn unterstützen, Spiele nicht nur sehen und hören. Sondern auch fühlen. Wie eine Art Stand Alone "Vibrator Pack". Hab ich zumindest gerade in einem Blog gelesen...

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